javier lecca
4 min readFeb 17, 2020

Basic Configuration

Configure Name that appear in commits

git config --global "Name"

Configure Email

git config --global

Color frame for commands

git config --global color.ui true

Starting repository

We start GIT in the folder where the project is

git init

We clone the github or bitbucket repository

git clone <url>

We add all the files for the commit

git add .

We make the first commit

git commit -m "First commit"

we go up to the repository

git push origin master


We clone the github or bitbucket repository

git clone <url>

Clone the github or bitbucket repository ?????

git clone <url> git-demo


We add all the files for the commit

git add .

We add the file for the commit

git add <file>

We add all the files for the commit omitting the new ones

git add --all

We add all files with the specified extension

git add *.txt

We add all files within a directory and a specific extension

git add docs/*.txt

We add all files within a directory

git add docs/


Upload changes made to the HEAD

git commit -m "First commit"

Add and load changes made to the HEAD

git commit -a -m "Last commit"

If there are conflicts, it shows them

git commit -a

Add to the last commit, this is not shown as a new commit in the logs. You can specify a new message

git commit --amend -m "Last commit"


We go up to the repository

git push <origien> <branch>

We go up tag

git push --tags


Show commits logs

git log

Show changes in commits

git log --oneline --stat

Show commit graphics

git log --oneline --graph


Shows the changes made to a file

git diff
git diff --staged


Remove a file from the commit

git reset HEAD <file>

Returns the last commit that was made and puts the changes in staging

git reset --soft HEAD^

Return the last commit and all changes

git reset --hard HEAD^

Returns the last 2 commit and all changes

git reset --hard HEAD^^

Rollback merge/commit

git log
git reset --hard <commit_sha>


Add remote repository

git remote add origin <url>

Change remote

git remote set-url origin <url>

Remove repository

git remote rm <name/origin>

List of repositories

git remote -v

Show remotes branches

git remote show origin

Clean all deleted branches

git remote prune origin


Create branch

git branch <nameBranch>

List of branches

git branch

-d command removes the branch and joins it to the master

git branch -d <nameBranch>

Delete without asking

git branch -D <nameBranch>


List of tags

git tag

Create new tag

git tag -a <verison> - m "version x"


The rebase is used when working with branches this causes the branches to be updated with the master without affecting it.

Join the current branch with the mastar, this cannot be seen as a merge

git rebase

When a conflict occurs you do not give the following options:

when we resolve conflicts — continue the sequence of the overflow where it was paused

git rebase --continue

Skip the conflict and go your way

git rebase --skip

Return everything at the beginning of the rebase

git reabse --abort

To rebase a specific branch

git rebase <nameBranch>


The Diff command is used to visualize the differences between objects (branches, commits, files, among others).

Show files that are not in the repository in the current branch

git diff

Show the differences between commits

git diff 1234abc 6789def    #old new

It shows the differences of files of the “staged area”

git diff --staged

Show the differences between branches

git diff branch1 branch2

Show the differences in a specific file

git diff myfile.txt

Show files with changes in a directory

git diff documentation


List a current state of the repository with a list of modified or added files

git status

Remove a file from the HEAD and put the unworked status

git checkout -- <file>

Create a branch based on one online

git checkout -b newlocalbranchname origin/branch-name

Search for new changes and update the repository

git pull origin <nameBranch>

Change branch

git checkout <nameBranch/tagname>

Match the current branch with the specified one

git merge <nameBranch>

Verify changes in the online repository with the local

git fetch

Delete a repository file

git rm <file>

Save local modifications temporarily

git stash


Download remote from a fork

git remote add upstream <url>

Merge with a fork master

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master



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